The Nexus 6 is one of the few devices on the market that sports a 1440p "QHD" display. This means that the amount of pixels displayed is higher than almost any other smartphone, which sounds great on ...

There are so many things to love about the Nexus 5, from timely updates to newer versions of Android to a terrific blend of price and specs. But while mobile phone tech keeps churning along, battery t ...

A rooted Android device means we're on our way to some truly amazing customization options. But there may be a few steps left to completing that journey, and a major one is installing a custom recover ...

Hello, i got new Hiawei ascend P7 lately and noticed one small problem, this beauty mode it has or beautifire can not be disabeled or configired in the other apps using the camera. So i am stuck with ...

A new API in Android Lollipop allows apps to color the status bar to match their overall theme. Google billed this as a more immersive user experience that allows app developers to extend their color ...

The front-facing stereo speakers on the Nexus 6 certainly pump out some awesome sound—but it could always be better, right? Audiophiles will be happy to know that the team at Viper Audio has recently ...

Google I/O is like Christmas for Android enthusiasts. Every year, this conference showcases new and upcoming features for the world's leading mobile operating system, and this year's was no different. ...

On Thursday morning, May 28th, Google announced an upcoming version of Android—and within a few hours, a preview build of this so-called "Android M" release was made available to select Nexus devices. ...

hi i have nexus 5 .my phone completely working at night.but when i wake up today early morning then my phone automatic start up and shutdown only google and flashing symbol off bubble display. So i th ...